
Thursday, March 27, 2008



You are a doll.

I apologize for not spending more time with you these last couple of weeks.

I hate homework.

I love you.


Monday, March 17, 2008

bedtime stories. past bedtime!

A couple of nights ago, after my friend Janessa and I got home from the airport, we woke Megan up in a flurry of words and emotions about our trip to San Francisco.  

We kept Megan up from two thirty-ish until four fifteen with stories about the adventures we had, the things we saw, the people we met... ahhh it was exciting.  And super fun to have Janessa acting the same ridiculous way I was, with my little sister.  Afterwards she told me it made her wish she had a sister, which I volunteered to be.  

Anyway, it was great, and we had a party in Megan's bedroom, which didn't help our jet lag or our lack of sleep we were battling with already.  

But um, how could I NOT wake my sister up as soon as I got home???


Sunday, March 16, 2008


Celeste was doing her art project in her room tonight. I came in and wanted to just sit and chill, but I wanted to do something at the same time. I noticed how her colored pencils were broken, dull, etc. So... I sat there for about ten minutes and just sharpened her pencils. It was really, really funny of me. hahaha, I loved it.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

powder. you know? like the snow.

Megan and I bonded tonight by watching a really great science fiction movie tonight.

Okay, so the science wasn't even that great, and neither was the movie. 
But, it did have an albino in it, which sort of lent it an eerie mood.  
Especially since this was a GENIUS albino with SUPERPOWERS. 

The reason for his being albino is still a mystery to us, because as far as I know, they aren't born with a keen ability to make cutlery magnetize, or make electronics flip out. 

Perhaps I should do some reading up on the subject...
