
Sunday, October 23, 2011

In which I talk about how smart I am.

Oh hey, remember this post in which we "pok[ed] fun at [Megan's] infatuation with Jonathan [her] fellow castmate"?
Yeah, who was right about it being more than just infatuation? Oh. Right. I was.
Rubbed in.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mmmm. Limeade.

Lessy and I made homemade mint limeade on Saturday. It was super tasty! Then we went swimming at G-ma's with the Kinser girls.

During this whole activity, there was a lot of poking fun at my infatuation with Jonathan my fellow castmate. Hailey found my Wreck This Journal and we had some fun in it--again with more poking fun at Jonathan and I. He is now an integral part of my WTJ. My favorite insertions to the journal would be throwing it in the pool to play Marco Polo, and following it up by running the thing over. I have some nice tire tracks on it now.

Saturday was a good day. Celeste and I should make sweet limeade again.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

sunburns and muscle aches.

Megan and I hurt really badly.

But we hurt together.
So we watch Shrek and attend our owies.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

for shame.

After nearly six months of not-posting, I have decided to post. Our time together is getting short, and neither of us is taking any pride in this blog. What a shame!

So here: a brief update on what we've been doing all this time.

Yeah, that's really about it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Quotes that make you say "WTF?!"

After dropping Adam off home after a night of excitement, Celeste and I made some memorable memories together. And quotes. Such as:

Celeste: For the long time--

Megan: Wait--what?! "for the long time...?"

Celeste: Oh... hahaha!


Megan: It smells like bacon.

Celeste: I was thinking more chemically enhanced campfire...

Thank you and goodnight.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Sometimes, we accidently match.

This time though, we accidently matched from head to toe.
We surprised one another, and astounded our parents.

Great minds think alike?
Or I've sufficiently trained Megan in the art of imitating me?

Who's to say.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Sometimes we do awesome things.

Like wear cute, but tacky Halloween socks.